True story: I posted my Royal Wedding Rant in the wee hours of the night, and then hastily took it down the next morning, when, in the cold light of day, I realized that I had typified myself as a bitter old woman with no hope – but not before a robust 39 people had had the opportunity to read it and form opinions about my perceived state of ongoing misery.
Therefore I feel I must further unpack my comments, and perhaps qualify them with a few points that, in my state of royal grumpiness, I had overlooked.
First: I stand by my suggestion that perhaps there was a touch too much money poured into this particular matrimonial event. No woman, princess or not, needs a $600,000 wedding dress. I also feel duly entitled to my opinion that all of the media hoop-la was a little excessive. But then again, I feel the same way about the idolization of rich and famous people in general. I simply have no interest in pop culture and its dull derivatives. I prefer dead baroque musicians. Call me quirky.
So there we go. The royal wedding phenomenon, as a newsworthy event, struck me as a rather silly over-investment of time and money, when there are so many more interesting things in the world with which to occupy oneself. French grammar, for instance. I truly do get a kick out of French grammar.
Yes, I’ll concede that I’m an anomaly when it comes to entertainment.
But that does not make me a bitter old woman with no hope. For that, we must address my feelings about weddings, and marriage, in general. And that is a stickier topic indeed. Continue reading