I have been “Outside” three times so far – twice to Marjane, a sort of Moroccan Walmart, to buy dull things like mops and toothpaste, and once to church. St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, to be exact. Yes – just like the St. John’s back home, only not. This one had all sorts of Nigerians – refugees, I’m told, looking for work in Casa. There was a white guy at the front with a guitar, leading all sorts of hip praise tunes, and a red-haired African woman rocking it on the tambourine. The people were friendly, the liturgy familiar, and the sermon – well, I might have missed a point or two… I am always so sleepy in the mornings, and crossing five time zones doesn’t help. With that said, I’m going to withdraw to my hammock for a 30-minute snooze before getting ready for orientation tonight. Sweet dreams!
Thanks for sharing Natasha!