Natasha Regehr

Chins up!

Things for which to be thankful, upon schmucking your chin with great force upon your classroom floor:

  • Just yesterday you dispatched a child to the office for some boxes of tissue: essential in staunching the blood as you dispatched yourself to the nurse’s office…
  • …which is conveniently located just one floor up from your music room…
  • …which no longer looks like a crime scene, because someone came and mopped up all the little pools and trails of blood.

  • You still have all your teeth, and your spine, and your skull.  So say the doctor, the nurses, and the radiologist…
  • …all of whom were wonderful, in their pristine, state-of-the-art Moroccan hospital…
  • …providing prompt, friendly service in Arabic, French, Russian, Romanian, and (most importantly) English.
  • The freezing kicked in after only a few stitches…
  • …and said stitches are “très jolie” — or so says she who knows about such things.
  • You washed your hair just this morning, so you can keep your chin dry for at least another day or two…
  • …and you don’t have to bother with changing dressings every day.
  • The giant stack of chairs did not fall on top of any children, nor were any children present in the room to witness the gory affair.
  • Classes were cancelled, drivers were summoned, hospitals and pharmacies were located, all with great efficiency and ease…
  • …thanks to the many mighty people at school who rushed to your aid.
  • Your longsuffering companion, Estelle, let you practice your French on her for a full three hours at the hospital — a Francophile’s dream!
  • You can still talk, chew, swallow, sing, and most importantly…
  • …SMILE!


A notre santé!



  1. Jovanna

    Another reason to be grateful is….it happened AFTER your cliff jumping!

    • Natasha Regehr

      Yes… and well before my next beach vacation, two weeks from now! Impeccable timing.

  2. Julie

    Oh Natasha! Adventures abound.. even at the hospital! Not one of the sites on your list to explore, I’m sure!
    Julie xox

    • Natasha Regehr

      But if I had to see the inside of a hospital, there are far worse ways it could have happened! And far worse hospitals! And far worse company! I am blessed.

  3. Anonymous

    me thinks you should stick to synchronized swimming! bumps and bruises we have had…but a gash on the chin…well I never! Loved that you could find so many things to be grateful for from all of this…it could be said that either you are leaving your mark on Morrocco or Morrocco is leaving it’s mark on you!
    miss you ! and here’s hoping that in future posts you wont have to get hurt in order to find things to be grateful for!

    • Natasha Regehr

      I was thinking of you all when I plunged off the cliff in my synchro swimsuit! I’m afraid my matching bathing cap has bit the dust, though 🙁

      • SecretSongSinger

        Yes, we noticed the sync-suit… you are representing the girls at the international level in your own, way… injury-prone as it may be! Take care of yourself!

  4. Ruth Anne

    Glad you are able to look on the bright side – a fine approach under the circumstances. Hope things heal up before you have to hit the beach.

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