Cosmic Prose

Natasha Regehr

2024 Gratitude List

This is the tenth Gratitude List that you’ll find on Cosmic Prose, signalling ten years of daily journaling, in which I choose a few bright moments from each day to crystalize in print. Somehow I never run out of entries, and somehow each year’s list has its own special flavour.

This has been an epic year of social and professional blossoming, punctuated by meaningful moments both at home and abroad. Here’s to happiness!

  • A job that makes my days feel good
  • My car is home!
  • 5/5 days
  • When Thursday is a second Wednesday
  • The breast clinic is looking after me
  • The circus is getting a new ringleader
  • At least the underground parking lot is always there for me
  • A full day
  • Not doing schoolwork on weekends
  • Double naps
  • Getting the chores done
  • Soon I will be writing again
  • Chauffeurs
  • Competent supply teachers
  • When I think I’m in tune
  • Good health
  • A writing group
  • A third friend
  • Finishing assessments
  • Improvements
  • Less pain today
  • Finishing progress reports
  • Kale and bacon pizza
  • One day without fruits or vegetables is not a big deal
  • New sunglasses
  • At least it’s not snowing
  • Steadiness
  • Leisure time
  • Harvest
  • Surgery in my future
  • Knowing Carmina
  • Carpooling
  • When the person who had the accident is not me
  • When it’s warm at the end of October
  • I can eat whatever I want
  • Leisure time
  • Lots of it
  • A soundproof apartment
  • Finishing the parent calls
  • Massage chairs
  • Children doing pliés
  • Freezer food
  • Company
  • Back-up soup
  • Finding parking
  • Humble meals
  • Concerts
  • Shoulder checks
  • When I socialize effortlessly
  • When yard duty is short
  • At least I have this place
  • C came to music
  • When it doesn’t matter if they learn anything
  • As long as the day gets filled with something
  • When I see the naughty boys reading slyly
  • Menstrual cups
  • Not worrying about the buses
  • When math is music
  • When teachers tell me the kids are showing their music learning in class
  • E’s repeat signs
  • A job I like
  • Days without yard duty
  • Quick translations
  • A fulfilling choir
  • Music that gives shivers
  • Thai with friends (ish)
  • Breathing breakthroughs
  • Pep talks
  • Monday night Handel
  • Free oil changes
  • Easy indoor recess duty
  • Not teaching Grade 1
  • Youtube parking videos
  • Inconspicuous poppylessness
  • When I make the children cry and they behave themselves the next day
  • Youtube tricks
  • Easy parking
  • Down duvet found
  • Lentil soup made
  • Garageband
  • Garageband again
  • When rehearsals start late
  • When supply days are easy
  • Hearing Eliane’s voice
  • An accent “aristocratique”
  • 3 weeks in Europe
  • Travel planning
  • When the naughty kids go home
  • And the class can learn
  • When the guy lets me out of the parking lot
  • When decisions are made for me
  • PA days without interviews
  • Accomplishing things
  • Traveling anticipation
  • Getting picked for a trio
  • Work pizza
  • Chicken stew
  • Not having to drive that much
  • Not hating Sunday nights
  • When I socialize with ease
  • When I sleep deeply
  • When I don’t make the wrong choice
  • Tylenol
  • Uber
  • A ride to band
  • When all my classes are okay
  • A pain-free day
  • Children’s voices raised in song
  • Always thankful for my job
  • And for every safe drive
  • Messiah sweetness
  • Finding the Costco puzzle in London
  • A cozy day in
  • Whoever invented toilet paper
  • Flexible directors
  • Furnace advice
  • My Diva cup
  • Carpooling
  • A warm apartment
  • EAs
  • “Absolutely spot on!”
  • One-on-one time with appreciative kids
  • Prep payback
  • Uneventful drives
  • Trial subscriptions
  • Marketplace
  • Finishing my Christmas shopping on December 3
  • Finding great puzzles on Marketplace
  • At least the rain is not snow
  • When I see the pedestrians
  • When others are well-intentioned
  • When staff meetings end early
  • When I don’t have to drive to band
  • When most of my classes go well
  • When you think the series is done and you discover there’s another season
  • Soon I’ll be getting a raise
  • Or at least eventually
  • A cozy white shirt, lightly discounted
  • A decent haircut
  • Not being in accidents
  • Not teaching science
  • Not teaching math
  • C is there
  • Recovery
  • A soaring hallelujah
  • A less serious episode
  • Sundays on CBC radio
  • Family is not so very far away
  • Short rehearsals
  • Not going on strike
  • Not going to Beertown
  • Light traffic
  • Not having crazy neighbours
  • Only having that particular class once a week
  • An abundance of food
  • Not having my dip stolen
  • When the children make an effort
  • Cool water
  • Hot water
  • Carpooling
  • Imitrex
  • When people are friendly
  • Doctors who are on top of things
  • Not having to organize a concert
  • The three songs that did go well
  • Never singing those songs again
  • Leaving parties early
  • Bumble
  • Finishing books on time
  • A happy family Christmas
  • Zumba with Joc
  • A travel buddy in Rome
  • Pershky
  • Everyone well on Christmas day
  • Learning to park
  • Suitors
  • Having a gym for the holidays
  • New brake lights and side mirrors
  • Successful socializing
  • A kind and genuine man
  • Who is unlike his photos
  • Chinese food with the fam
  • At least it did not go too far
  • Four fascinating conversations
  • Functioning at a party of strangers
  • Getting my car fixed
  • Getting the printer sorted out
  • Sound financial advice
  • Getting reimbursed for my car repairs
  • Looking forward to school starting
  • When I use the lighter weights
  • When the people at the gym are friendly
  • When tech support responds within hours
  • When it never snows
  • Things to do
  • I have boots to wear in the snow
  • I have a rebound date
  • I have Saturday engagements
  • Believing again
  • Having hope
  • Having friends
  • School is good
  • I am good
  • A 5/5 day
  • I am good at my job
  • And I like my job
  • And my job likes me
  • When expectations are lowered
  • When I don’t have that particular class for another week
  • When I finally have a good idea
  • When truth is told
  • When I have hope
  • When the children cheer me up
  • A brilliant and perceptive therapist
  • When the children are giddy with music-induced happiness
  • Tea with a good friend
  • A warm house on a cold day
  • Words that speak
  • Rejecting others instead of being rejected
  • Not teaching math
  • Controlling my own thermostat
  • Yet another date
  • When the gong show class is not a gong show
  • When teachers stay in their rooms when I’m on duty
  • When D sings with all her heart
  • When my windshield is clear
  • When the snow sparkles
  • When I’m almost done report cards
  • Working from home
  • When I know I don’t like someone
  • A nice salmon dinner
  • When the snow is fluffy
  • When people know my name
  • When the lentils thicken up the chili
  • When my house is clean
  • When the snow is heavy but I don’t hurt my back
  • When good-byes bring peace
  • When the broth thins the chili
  • When I get invited to the opera
  • Perspective
  • When the deficiency is someone else’s
  • When I catch the advance green
  • When I don’t have to drive to Woodstock
  • When I am very, very good at my job
  • And I like it so much
  • When it doesn’t snow
  • When the children are so happy
  • And so am I
  • When I connect with my colleagues
  • When I’m caught up at work
  • (meaning I’m a month ahead)
  • London Fog tea
  • A surplus of social engagements
  • I am a person who goes to the opera
  • Almost being ready for surgery
  • Talking to people at choir
  • When I don’t have to brush off my car
  • When my parking is okay
  • When Jocelyn gets an interview
  • When the children say I’m a talented recorder player
  • When I don’t have yard duty
  • When the skunk in the ValuMart doesn’t spray me
  • Freezer food
  • Good health
  • A driver
  • Successful surgery
  • Not feeling bad at all
  • Nearly pain-free
  • Leftover soup
  • Decisions made
  • Sun in the sky
  • Nothing gold can stay
  • Cooking help
  • When people are feeling better
  • The bleeding stopped
  • All is well
  • Finding gauze in the basement
  • Back to work tomorrow
  • Having a job I miss when I’m away
  • When my work is easy and fun
  • When my car is clean
  • When my students are happy to see me
  • When it’s 14 degrees and sunny
  • Salvaged dates
  • Band is fun
  • Enlightening films
  • Helpful books
  • When coffee dates aren’t awful
  • When I don’t have to parallel park
  • When I can walk to church
  • When there’s no snow
  • When the principal tells me she likes my room
  • Pancake Tuesday
  • Soup lunch
  • When socializing isn’t boring
  • Class dojo
  • Done with Bumble
  • “It can be both”
  • “Welcome to the family”
  • Getting supply plans
  • When it’s a nice class
  • I saw the pylons when I did
  • Ginger ale
  • When people are nice
  • I had three conversations today
  • Being loved at 50
  • PC points
  • Good radio
  • Clear weather
  • A delicious steak
  • Playing “Whirlybird” at 130 bpm
  • Having 5.5 conversations in one day
  • I am always early for work
  • Candlelight eucharist
  • Collaborative teachers
  • Back to the gym
  • When I don’t have parking mishaps
  • When I have traveling to look forward to
  • When it is warm in February
  • Game night
  • Carnaval
  • When I have conversations at my conversation group
  • When things are on sale
  • When I find parking on Queen Street
  • Thought-provoking messages
  • Friendly faces
  • 4 conversations
  • St. James is a happy place
  • And soon I get to be there more
  • I’m not housepoor
  • I packed extra food in my lunch
  • Sun and warmth on yard duty days
  • Tomorrow will be better
  • I don’t have to talk if I don’t want to
  • Enough to eat
  • Enough
  • Having cool instruments from around the world to show my students
  • A church that feels right for me
  • Where I feel at home
  • Being able to play most of Frère Jacques on the French horn
  • When my gym class has just the right amount of strenuousness
  • Renewed relationships
  • Having my life ahead of me
  • When I find a parking spot downtown right away
  • When I find the energy to cook something healthy
  • When I get all the chores done
  • When I speak freely at social events
  • When people invite me over to see their plants
  • Easy conversations at choir
  • Good dance lessons
  • 18 degrees Celsius
  • A got a happy ticket
  • I can tell funny stories about Morocco
  • The Arabesque was playable
  • I got to my appointment on time
  • Expensive parking is still cheaper than Uber
  • Sometimes I feel like a good teacher
  • C is close to mom
  • When the class I have to cover for is a nice one
  • Thursday night choir
  • Mom is feeling better
  • Dojo points save the day
  • When children colour happily and calmly – chill
  • Birthday fun
  • Rome trip booked
  • When the things I need are on sale
  • When everyone is okay
  • Normality
  • When my cycle agrees with me
  • Finding new old clothes in my closet
  • Being of help
  • Handy people
  • Fresh air
  • Not having to go out for coffee
  • A new white sports bra
  • A Rome-sized tax refund
  • Disposable income
  • Pants for Europe
  • Pain-free today
  • Second chances
  • Evenings out
  • When shows are surprisingly amusing
  • When my library account is in the clear
  • My new Kindle!
  • Church feels so good
  • When my bandmate points out my mistakes but hers are worse than mine
  • When tables turn
  • The moment of crawling into bed with a good book
  • When the first day after March break is a 5/5 day
  • When I feel comfortable with the person sitting beside me in band
  • When I have to cover a difficult class and it goes okay
  • When I don’t have yard duty and I’m free to help struggling kids
  • It’s not a blizzard after all
  • When it’s still light out after an evening church service
  • When I back into a parking spot successfully
  • When the sun is still shining when I emerge from my gym class at 7pm
  • When the Weather Network tells me I will need to shovel, but I don’t
  • Conversations with new people
  • Connections
  • Backing in under pressure
  • Acceptable avocado smoothies
  • Someone to talk to at band
  • Dinner with my people
  • Who is really only one person
  • But that’s enough for now
  • When I am the first one out of the parking lot
  • When colleagues offer to help and that solves tricky dilemmas
  • When my choir rehearsal goes well even though I’m out of it
  • When people accidentally pass their recorder tests
  • When kids dance and they look so adorable
  • A church to call home
  • When children sing in the halls
  • And they come each day to play their recorders for me
  • Bless their hearts
  • People who share their sweet potato fries at the pub
  • People who know my name
  • Being part of a family
  • Getting my music stand to work
  • New connections
  • Leftover bagels
  • Having a band friend
  • When not all the classes are naughty
  • When there’s no yard duty tomorrow
  • When I find missing children
  • When doors are left ajar
  • Realizations
  • I’m the picky one
  • *discerning*
  • I’m not with the wrong person
  • I still love my job
  • BOGO sales
  • = cheap hats
  • Inquisitive conversationalists
  • When my cooking is yummy
  • Walking to church in the sunshine
  • When mom feels good enough to rake
  • When I get everything done on time
  • Eclipse glasses
  • Hospital gift shops
  • Lunch breaks
  • Unstructured P.A. days
  • Feeling almost outgoing
  • The first spring day of opening windows
  • Being warmer than is comfortable
  • Being at ease
  • I will not be here forever
  • When the kids on yard duty are cute
  • When I wear short sleeves at work
  • When the rain washes the bird poop off of my car
  • When I feel chatty
  • When I like the choir music
  • Colleagues who collaborate
  • The joy on children’s faces when they dance
  • At least when it rains you don’t have to brush off the car
  • Sparkly wedding shoes
  • Dairy and gluten
  • Sitting on a swing
  • Not wearing a coat
  • When I make people laugh
  • Caesars make me chatty
  • The first day of wearing sandals
  • Feeling that I have a friend
  • Too much energy to nap
  • When I discover a forgotten sweater and wear it to school and look really classy
  • Not teaching AIM
  • Evenings off
  • Funny moments at choir
  • Good health
  • 8 of my 10 classes are just fine
  • Unlike at that other wretched school
  • When the kids are so cute and happy doing a minuet
  • Double naps
  • When parking spots open up just when I need them
  • Accomplishing many things
  • When I have a whole day without yard duty
  • When colleagues are flexible
  • Helpful, even
  • When I realize something is not for me
  • When I get three errands done in Wortley Village
  • When my students love music
  • When I swap the 3-pound weights for the 5-pound weights
  • When I have good ideas
  • Meaningful conversations with colleagues
  • In the parking lot after school
  • Sparkly nail polish
  • Hadi’s fries
  • Having a flyswatter
  • A full freezer
  • An easy day
  • Turning off the heat
  • Opening the windows
  • Putting away my winter hats and gloves
  • Getting out my summer jacket
  • Perennials coming up
  • I don’t teach Grade 2 every day
  • Curious people
  • Playing the Arabesque at 90 bpm instead of 100 bpm
  • When I forget my water bottle at home I don’t need to worry about forgetting it at the gym
  • The Grade 1s are starting to sing
  • Popcorn
  • My recorder fanatics
  • Having a furnace to turn on and off at will
  • Not falling off my bike
  • At least the idiot with the weedwhacker only destroyed half my garden
  • Freshly cut flowers
  • Freshly cut hair
  • When rehearsals end early
  • When I get pulled into nice classes
  • Compliments
  • When the children sing beautifully
  • And I take the credit
  • Sparkly wedding shoes
  • Supportive colleagues
  • Gentle mammograms
  • Not running late
  • A clean-ish house
  • My couch is so comfortable
  • The people who help make up for the people who don’t
  • Everyone is healthy for the wedding
  • Sandal toe nylons
  • The rain held off
  • All went well
  • Routine
  • Work
  • Choir
  • Flexible people
  • When people I like invite me out for coffee
  • Ginger beer at Beertown
  • When I am right
  • Anticipation
  • Confidence
  • Affirmation
  • Children singing beautifully
  • In French
  • For all to hear
  • And I did that
  • Hugs from the principal
  • Being at my happiest
  • Tea on a patio with good company
  • Happiness
  • A&W Uncle burgers with Carol
  • Balmy long weekend weather
  • Not needing a measles vaccine
  • When my apartment is 24 degrees
  • And I am therefore not cold
  • When someone goes out of his way to walk me to the car
  • Not having pets
  • Joc is going to medical school!
  • I am going to evensong!
  • A walk in the park with a friend
  • When a workout has just the right amount of exertion
  • When I sleep through boring shows
  • E’s turtle, Thomas, who plays the glockenspiel
  • Somebody likes polka dots
  • Wearing the wedding shoes
  • Being happy in London
  • Having friends in London
  • I am happy I am happy I am happy
  • Interesting conversations at the pub
  • A walk in the park
  • Orff instruments for my classroom!
  • The love club
  • Accomplishing much
  • Being almost done report cards
  • Writing program notes
  • Not losing my room
  • No more Bumble
  • Garden is planted
  • Ellie’s pizza
  • Ginger ale
  • All is well
  • Having cooked
  • Text messages
  • Smiling
  • Invitations
  • Possibilities
  • When people look forward to seeing me
  • Sold out shows
  • Classy bathing suits
  • People who say “thanks for sharing”
  • And keep coming back
  • I am pretty
  • I am beautiful
  • I am sexy
  • Most definitely
  • I am lovely
  • I have a sexy belly button
  • Carmina was spectacular
  • Having my program notes quoted
  • It’s a secret
  • All is as it should be
  • Pleasant conversation
  • All the talking
  • My recorder fanatics stole the show
  • Jump Rope for Heart day
  • Countdown’s on
  • Baseball with M and G
  • Sitting on a rock in the park with someone I love
  • Open books
  • All is so well
  • The Hyland theatre
  • Being willing to will it
  • I am loved
  • An impossible happiness, possible
  • Pizza with the band
  • Cancellations
  • The basement floor
  • Sunday at the cottage
  • We are smitten
  • When bookings are made
  • When my boyfriend puts out the yard waste for me
  • And bakes me apple pie
  • I love him
  • Finding my missing spoon
  • The talking rock
  • Packing progress
  • Reciprocity
  • Someone to miss
  • A new work buddy
  • Scraped elbows
  • Sushi and shawarma
  • My roommate follows me everywhere
  • I (and my baggage) am safely in Brussels
  • Lycamobile
  • Waffle trucks
  • Fun museums
  • Easy-going roommates
  • Google maps
  • Anticipation
  • A half-hour of independence
  • Ham and cheese waffle paninis
  • Alone time in a museum
  • New conversations
  • Not conversing
  • Civilized meals
  • Moving memorials
  • Those who fought
  • Wars won
  • A torch run on a peaceful street
  • Where once was only carnage and death
  • Music is joy
  • Blogging again
  • So much happiness
  • Romance
  • Sitting on a park bench between the Eiffel Tower and the River Seine
  • Talking to people I love
  • When people pick up the phone
  • Savoury and sweet crepes
  • Shared with new friends
  • Les loups de jazz
  • Missions somewhat accomplished
  • People who take my stuff home in their suitcases
  • People who help me find my trains and buses
  • Safe arrivals
  • Not getting sick after eating raw pork
  • Funny moments
  • Dips in the sea
  • Thrift stores
  • A wonderful man
  • A stunning new dress
  • A safe and beautiful hike
  • Such laughter
  • Wonderful people to miss
  • Jocelyn hauled my luggage up the stairs
  • No missed buses
  • All connections went smoothly
  • Helpful Italians
  • Not being buried under 30 feet of ash
  • Managing the subways and the heat
  • Headaches eased
  • Rome in a day
  • The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
  • Successful public transit
  • Missing a train does not matter if you can just take the next one
  • A safe journey home from the opera
  • G is on his way!
  • G is in Italy!
  • Successful train rides
  • At least only part of my body is sunburned
  • Swimming in the Tyrrhenian Sea
  • When the ferry ride ended
  • The bus took us home
  • A vespa tour without incident
  • Too many sundresses
  • A smooth trip to Florence
  • People who carry my luggage
  • So many good things
  • Handrails
  • Epic steak
  • A man who likes to do the dishes
  • We only got off at the wrong stop once
  • Big conversations
  • The lifeguards watched our stuff
  • Honest talk
  • Vans that carry me and my bike up steep hills
  • Being home in London with my love
  • Perfect moments at the Grand Bend beach
  • The horse that was really a dragon
  • Laughter
  • Shared music
  • Someone who cooks, does dishes, makes beds, and carries things
  • Time to rest
  • Remembering that I have a work computer
  • Gardens to weed
  • Kindness and goodness
  • Boxed lasagna
  • He is a thinker and a talker
  • The beautiful beach
  • Playing frisbee
  • Helping with the siding
  • Mr. Fancypants
  • All the people I love together
  • Bike rides and roller blades
  • Sharing common interests
  • N is getting help
  • Playing catch and getting 12
  • Talking about Job
  • Playing music together
  • Biking, swimming, and rollerblading
  • Mom walked to the fire station
  • When your boyfriend talks about you with pride to his friends
  • Easy summer days
  • My love is here
  • Breaks in the rain
  • Floating on the bumblebee
  • Everything is okay
  • J gives good advice
  • M gives good advice
  • All will be well
  • Long debriefing walks
  • Art walks
  • Gelato
  • Helpful books
  • So much laughter
  • Hammock time
  • Sweet potato curry
  • Perfect temperatures
  • Lunch with Jennifer
  • Leftovers
  • Book talk
  • Good hair
  • Nice pjs
  • Chauffeur service
  • Less anxiety
  • Chips and beer in the hammock
  • Dr. Pepper at the beach
  • Being so loved
  • A walk to No Frills
  • My printer works
  • I got all my band music
  • Jocelyn’s white coat
  • “I’m not going anywhere”
  • Priesner
  • Massage
  • Rosé
  • Getting all the instruments unpacked in only four hours
  • My swing
  • Getting the laundry done
  • Easy driving
  • Honesty
  • Refreshing swims
  • He gives and takes away
  • A brave face
  • Ball catching on the bee at the Bs’
  • Optimism
  • Long walks and talks
  • Lasagna baked with love
  • I am going to OMEA!
  • S backed me up
  • E helped me print class lists
  • A walk in the park and rosé on the swing
  • When school starts and all is well
  • CR
  • Finishing the class lists
  • Playing Orff instruments
  • Back to the gym
  • A perfect school day
  • My drums arrived
  • Cottage life
  • Abundant borscht
  • M sees things clearly
  • Sick days
  • Handel and Byrd
  • Sundress weather
  • Classes that behave
  • Ready for band practice
  • Snuggling
  • I love him so
  • Parents who are not irate
  • Perfect days
  • Perfect evenings
  • Bike rides on a Saturday afternoon
  • Friends at band
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • My love loves me
  • A quiet room to eat lunch in
  • Every class eventually ends
  • A listening ear
  • Absolution
  • Band with friends
  • Instruments to play at recess
  • Broken mallets mended
  • Good days at school
  • A week’s worth of sundresses
  • Tender words
  • Small pedagogical victories
  • Angelo’s pizza
  • M and E
  • Sweet cottage time
  • I have worth outside of my job
  • I have people in my life who remind me of my worth
  • Choir is a great distraction
  • Better days
  • Music dots
  • Frank conversation
  • Salad from the ValuMart
  • Migraine naps
  • We can talk about anything
  • E stayed in her place
  • No covid
  • A whole weekend at the cottage
  • Supportive colleagues
  • Productive practice
  • Delicious harira
  • More hammock time
  • The red pyjamas
  • Long talks
  • Useful masks
  • One more beach day
  • When people talk to me at pub night
  • I’m not sick
  • Not being declared surplus
  • A day without duty
  • Days that are better than perfect
  • Tolerable parent nights
  • Popcorn and netflix
  • Being too happy for CR
  • Leftover pizza in the staff room
  • A tolerable code red drill
  • A moving Byrd in the Woods
  • Dinner and the symphony
  • An open-minded, open-hearted man
  • Comforting words
  • Another beautiful Sunday
  • The Coventry Carol
  • FaceTime
  • Having someone to miss
  • Fire drills that aren’t a disaster
  • Tolerable staff meetings
  • Leftover cupcakes
  • Not getting rained on
  • 5 of my 6 classes went well
  • Good morning, good afternoon, and good night texts
  • Having a furnace
  • Wearing socks
  • Cute emoticons
  • My heating pad
  • G took me to the store to buy paper
  • Getting to meetings late and leaving early
  • Being too happy to fit in
  • The trauma’s all in the past
  • Pancakes and bacon
  • Free soup at work
  • Contributing freely to a staff discussion
  • PA days
  • When things that once caused me stress are now irrelevant
  • Playing catch in the back yard
  • Breakfast with the family
  • Sunny October warmth
  • Salmon on the grill
  • All is peaceful
  • Contentment
  • Dr. Micah
  • Twister dodgeball
  • Turkey love

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2018 Gratitude List

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2016 Gratitude List

2015 Gratitude List

2014 Gratitude List


  1. These are always a gift, Natasha. Thank you for putting them out there. I had some great moments of connection as I read. Mmmmm London Fog (made with farmgate chocolate milk for an over the top experience)

  2. Sounds like you have had some health issues. Hope all has been taken care of and you are back to good health. 🤗

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