It was over 15 years ago that I came upon the idea of keeping a gratitude list, and since then I have maintained the habit of taking a few minutes each evening to reflect on the goodness of the day. Some days are naturally radiant, and sometimes it requires some serious excavating to find a glimmer of light. But without fail, I have always found something for which to be thankful.
Nine years ago I began the tradition of posting the year’s list to my blog each Thanksgiving. It’s a way for me to travel through the ups and downs of the year through a lens of positivity and good humour, and to share with others the little sparkles that have sustained me through that time. I’ll warn you — it’s a rather long read; but maybe it will inspire you to find the sparkles in your year as well. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Advice is just advice
- Triage
- When things are calm
- When conversations go well
- When I finish reading OSRs
- When I remember I have pretzels in the car
- When there is no longer a dead squirrel on my driveway
- Getting the hang of things
- Starting to feel settled
- On the way to competence
- Extra minutes in the day
- Not having COVID
- Nailed the band music
- Was almost on time
- Got my planning done
- And my progress reports
- Functionality
- Apple sauce
- Manageable work
- Advil Cold and Sinus
- Art class at last
- Indoor recess in other rooms
- No outdoor duty today
- A basement with a big desk
- Not being in charge
- Well enough to work
- My plants didn’t freeze
- Extra apples
- Warm enough to walk
- Rediscovering an old coat
- Gathering leaves in the sunshine
- A bike ride is never wasted
- Forgetting the snacks is not so bad after a good breakfast
- Forgetting my bank card is not so bad when no one shows up anyway
- When I’m not cold
- Returning to physical activity
- Clean sheets and a freshly made bed
- A tidy place
- Not running over the annoying lady’s dog
- Clarification
- Voice mail
- Finding the Class Act kit
- The things I do do well
- Art on walls
- Feels like home
- Colleagues
- Gems
- Pavlov
- These last little bits of daylight
- Freshly picked sweet yellow peppers
- A successful book club
- Getting to the gym
- People who paint flowers
- Clean doors
- No one cared if I had hallowe’en spirit or not
- A warm November
- I can afford to eat
- Affirming words from on high
- Not having a yeast infection
- When my students behave themselves
- And say things to make me smile
- Laugh, even
- I get to play music every day
- I’m beginning to like my apartment
- It’s all about the art
- One step closer to friendship
- Free pizza and popcorn
- Vowel progress
- Asynchronous learning
- Sunshine for picketing
- Getting into the zumba class
- A day of quiet
- Having one thing that I like in this cold city
- That being the band
- Saints to remember on All Saints Day
- A friendly, welcoming church
- Things to do
- Possibilities
- The new girl is settling in
- A mechanic across the street
- A priest around the corner
- Getting out of bed and going to the gym
- Heating pads
- The Noisy One has left the building
- Murdoch with Joc
- Choices ahead
- Freedom, independence, and unencumberedness
- Friendly faces
- Snow tires on in time for snow
- Barre is just the antidote to traffic woes
- (a worthwhile drive)
- I might have found the thermostat
- I am starting to care less about imperfections that I can’t change
- A warm scarf on a cold day
- My dishes are so squeaky clean
- Siri
- Who found my lost phone
- Loaner cars
- Good people
- Free pizza
- Safe drives in crappy cars
- Not really losing my phone today
- Sounding boards
- Inertia
- Supportive people
- Affirmation
- A fully peopled day
- There are still options
- I can sing
- I have time in the evening for it to take 2 hours to do a 1-hour gym class
- Getting some math planning done
- Realizing that any outcome could be okay
- Getting the counting assessments done
- An uneventful day
- Time to cut the laminating at the board office
- Subway
- Mild weather in November
- Former students who remember me fondly
- I have a calm class
- A pleasant weekend ahead
- Even acquaintances can boost one’s mood
- Supports exist, for the asking
- The feeling of having done yoga
- Still got 2.5 hours of band in
- Up for air
- Tolerable days
- A calm class
- Pep talk potential
- Humour
- First flute material
- A flute lesson
- No indoor recess
- Tomorrow is always different
- I’m advanced!
- Musical connections
- I can read music
- I can sing
- I can play instruments
- I don’t need to be a music teacher to do those things
- Pershky and borscht
- A social life on the horizon
- The oboe and organ resuscitated the orchestra
- I was able to sing
- I’m not getting sick
- Records of the past
- Perspective
- Sitting with people whose names I know
- The calming corner sometimes works
- The lesson plans that printed
- Printing capabilities
- Benefits
- 4pm appointments
- When I don’t have to scrape off the car
- In general, people follow traffic rules
- I had a good day for no good reason
- Defensive drivers
- New friends
- Right hand turns
- Happy tears
- Concert fun
- Bean soup
- New boots
- Safe drives
- Early work hours
- The blue cable
- An enjoyable concert
- Finding my charger
- Double prep, no-duty days
- I am going to a concert with a friend
- I am doing auditions and living life
- Easy no-bus days
- When at least a few students get the math
- A successful Bonhomme
- Not parking at City Plaza on Friday afternoon
- A comfortable couch
- Stew and friendship
- Too much free time
- When someone calls and makes me smile
- Work computers
- When I have no yard duty
- And there are croissants
- I’m in the club!
- Made it to Kingsville ahead of the storm
- Power came back on
- Family is together
- No one seems to have caught my cold
- Gifts given and received
- A peaceful holiday
- A short-ish wait at the walk-in clinic
- Eye drops
- A short wait at the pharmacy
- A ride to Windsor
- New PJs
- Piano time
- Exchanges
- Clear eyes
- Coughing less
- A caring family
- Micah time
- Super pizza
- A quiet New Year’s Eve with family
- Not coughing
- A quiet, dullish day
- Avatar with the boys
- Flute music to practise
- Finishing the math unit
- My car battery if fine
- Honest mechanics
- Flat pancakes
- Report cards well underway
- Manifest matinée
- Chores completed
- Gold medals for the home team
- Beauty, connection, stimulation, passion
- Loaner cars
- A garage across the street
- Attorney Woo
- I love my band
- I have a flute teacher
- I noticed the oven was on
- My car started all weekend
- I can go to the library on Tuesday
- My little space heater
- Small moments of connection
- Post-rehearsal socials
- Holding my own in the band
- Beautiful sounds
- My car works
- A happy day
- Clean dishes
- I’m in the club!
- New choir, new me
- My car started this morning
- I’m learning my band music
- My car started again this morning
- On Saturdays I do not work
- Not even if I should
- It’s a day of otherness
- Electric heaters
- Heating pads
- Blankets
- Mom is in good hands
- C is nearby
- I have a fireplace in my music room
- A supportive team
- A warm bed
- Painting
- Art brings happiness
- Almost being done report cards
- Clean bedding and clean pyjamas
- Keilke
- Playing in bands: beauty and connection
- Pretty snow
- A warm house
- Mom is on the mend
- Liking my new choir
- A bad lesson can just be forgotten
- POOF – it’s gone
- J singing “Beat It” during guided reading
- Finishing report cards and Early ID
- When socializing after band is the best part of the day
- Safe snowstorms
- Feeling like it’s manageable
- Music just makes everything better
- Not getting nasty notes on my car
- At least my toilet still works
- At least one of my neighbours is nice
- Kind words from on high
- Caring less
- It’s ok if the math flops
- Exposure
- Band day is the best day of the week
- When I practise, I get better
- I live in a flute-friendly house
- I eat what I wish
- I will not teach Grade 1/2 forever
- Half done the year
- One of my three is leaving
- A wonderful flute teacher
- Band connections
- The days when the children win
- Having more time than work
- The mouse was dead
- I did not throw up when I picked it up
- My arsenal: traps, wipes, gloves, peanut butter, and expensive gadgets
- There was no one else involved
- My bumper didn’t fall off
- R taped it up for me
- It will be okay
- Empty traps
- Skipping the vestry meeting
- French connections
- Yesterday is yesterday
- Getting to the car place before 5pm
- Things that make heat
- Post-rehearsal socializing
- Finding old songs on my computer
- I will teach children to sing
- Wednesday evenings are for laziness
- The days when I get to teach music
- My car has stayed together all week
- Chowder and film with H
- Band and French connections
- Not feeling lonely
- Chili in the fridge
- A play on Super Bowl Sunday
- Surplus dilemmas
- Meeting neat people
- Singing with kids
- My dishwasher works well
- My apartment is comfortable
- I have a music room where I spend time each day
- My bumper should be okay on the 401
- I have choices
- Next year is a big birthday year, thus justifying a big trip
- I have friends
- And one even lives here
- The opera with my Peterborough peeps
- And band with my London peeps
- = a perfectly happy day
- With thanks for a largely uneventful, though stressful drive
- Long weekend day of rest
- Another day of rest
- When I can actually play my band music
- Ginger beer at Beertown
- I helped A through his day
- I accomplished things
- Snow days
- All is well
- That ends well
- More safe travels
- I am going on an adventure
- I love band
- A stable month
- Another safe drive
- Band is fun
- Even when I am the weakest link
- I managed to chop up the boulder at the end of my driveway
- A carpet in my classroom
- When I teach less
- When the ice melts
- When my car stays together
- When I stay together
- It’s really not a big deal driving around with duck tape on my bumper
- Not being late despite London traffic
- Not going anywhere near Toronto traffic
- A strong back
- Not driving in the storm
- A very warm coat
- A better shovel
- I am able-bodied
- Lunch with Jennifer
- Dinner with mom
- Out ‘n Back catering
- Band and conversation
- = beauty and connection
- When my neighbour gets his karma
- The snow will melt
- At least I don’t have to wear kevlar
- Evenings off
- A soundproof music room
- My class, compared to others, is pretty good
- For now
- My bulletin board looks fantastic
- No plow poop to shovel
- That I checked my email before leaving work
- When I find a parking spot downtown right away
- When I’m on time despite myself
- When I’m not cold
- When I’m in tune
- Easy, though questionable parking spaces
- I do things despite the fear
- Nailed the Schubert
- Pleasant company
- Being of some help
- I was there
- I am here
- Capable nurses and doctors
- C and D are there
- Support
- My new student is smart and adorable
- Maybe the next new one will be, too
- Sleep
- My other new student is smart and adorable
- I have bugs instead of mice
- Kids who can count
- Mom is getting better
- No more snowbanks
- Being kind and good-humoured
- When they make harmony and it sounds good
- When I finally find a parking spot I can manage
- In general, I have more space than I think I do, rather than less
- My kids, at least, can read
- There are things I do that are not work
- And people who say hello, how are you
- Sparkly dishes
- Getting things done
- Caring less about the impossible
- When people visit me
- A choir that is friendly and stunning
- Someday I will not teach math
- A band that is friendly and incredible
- Outdoor recess
- A screen protector that did its job
- And got replaced for $20 in five minutes
- When my expectations are so low that any success is a pleasant surprise
- When I am at ease with myself
- When there are no snowbanks to navigate around
- Tax refunds
- Days off
- Tender lamb
- Family time
- Having a heart
- Moroccan soup
- Baseball bonding
- An afternoon in the sun
- When yard duty is warm
- When my bandmate is there
- New jeans
- Soon I will know my fate
- Survived without Smart Ink for a day
- I’m not at P.A.
- No split grade next year
- I can ask parents for supplies
- I have a steady, well-paying job with a good pension
- When my classroom is warm enough to wear sandals to school
- When everyone is hot and tired and thirsty and all they want is to put their heads on their desks with the lights out
- At least it’s not that job
- Or that one
- Brilliant weather
- Every now and then it’s okay to have chips for supper
- And then eat lentils for a week
- N is okay
- A friendly choirmate
- I like my bandmates
- Solidarity
- People who deal with the ants
- Satisfying naps
- Flute competence
- Not teaching intermediate
- Well-behaved children
- Weekends to look forward to
- La mélodie du bonheur
- I am Julie Andrews
- While there are positives I don’t have, there are also negatives I don’t have
- Good friends reunited
- Someone came to help with choir
- Time to practise and sleep before going out
- Every safe drive
- Only talking when I feel like it
- Bedtime
- When A writes a whole page in French
- And I’m so proud
- I am housed, employed, secure
- I am healthy
- I am alive
- My family is safe
- I live in a peaceful place
- A day with great people
- Puzzly family fun
- Rollerblading season
- I like my choir
- When the band music gets easier
- When the children burst into song
- When the chili is delicious
- My children sing beautifully
- And sometimes lustily
- Efficacious couch naps
- My little Von Trapps stole the show
- I remembered that I forgot my parking pass
- I have two people in London to text
- When the kids are funny
- When there is enough to eat
- There is always enough to eat, theoretically
- When I get free plywood, cut to size
- When I get to the bake sale just on time
- When there are friendly people in my life
- My choices are still good ones
- The chicken stew is tasty
- I did my school prep early in the day
- Their parents will teach them to brush their teeth
- When I can warm up the house by opening the windows
- I like the people in my choir
- It’s not winter any more
- No one has rejected me lately
- Suitable conversation
- Little bits of progress
- No one will steal my swing
- In the end it’s quicker just to make stuff
- Hard boiled eggs
- Experiments that work
- Possibilities
- Whee!! I’m a music teacher again!
- All the things there’ll be no more of
- And all the things there’ll be
- House white on the patio
- When my bike isn’t stolen
- Report cards well underway
- Caring less each day
- Brownies
- This year (this job) will end and be no more
- One day, it will work itself out (the housing dilemma, I mean)
- Everything feels lighter
- Eggs and oatmeal in the fridge
- No more GB+ for me
- No more permission forms, BAS, learning skills, parent calls, fractions
- No more MATH
- No more class placement meetings
- I reiterate: no more math
- 50% of Marie Antoinette done
- 50% of report cards done
- Good buns
- A family
- Rollerblading
- My favourite hat is not in a hotel room somewhere
- Of the job, house, and husband, at least I have the job
- Day 2
- Wednesdays
- Got it all done
- A successful book fair
- Despite the fire drill
- Finishing BAS and GB+
- Risotto and stuffed squash
- When the landlord is feeling generous
- When mom and I are puttering in the garden
- When I get mammograms instead of going to work
- Rototillers
- Triple mix
- I have choices
- I do not teach grade one, except in practice
- Facebook Marketplace
- Beautiful planting weather
- I have a friend
- Who thinks I’m funny
- Veggie garden planted
- Noticing that my daybook was off by a day the day before it mattered
- An understanding flute teacher
- Salvaging my hosta
- Meredith had a kleenex
- Lunch with colleagues
- An adult day
- When I actually get through to the people I am calling
- When it rains and I don’t have to haul six buckets of water to my garden
- A choir I like
- Sprouted seeds
- The pride guy who fixed my bike chain
- Choir: beauty and connection
- A 50-foot hose
- Rain on the garden
- An uneventful day
- No more painting
- A helpful flute lesson
- Meat pies
- People who do all the talking
- Compliments
- More compliments
- My friend is coming
- Travel plans
- Meaningful conversations
- Friendship
- Good digestion
- A functional bike cover
- Hope
- A peaceful day
- When the parent phone calls go okay
- When the choir people are friendly
- When there is pizza at meetings
- Another successful day of not losing my favourite hat
- A smooth field trip
- No melt-downs, not even over popsicles
- The end of oatmeal and pitas is in sight
- Packing is going well
- Getting the laminating cut before 4:30
- Benign results and extra tests
- Gym classes to relieve tension
- Naps to relieve boredom
- I have income, food, and shelter
- I have books and netflix
- Not hanging around for someone else’s midlife crisis
- Finding white impatiens at Home Depot
- Calm days
- No more yard duty
- No more math!
- Maybe no more renting
- Maybe it has a wet basement anyway
- Painless staff parties
- No OSR filing next year
- No CLST paperwork
- I don’t have to buy a house if I don’t want to
- No walking students to the back to be picked up
- No making sure people don’t forget things
- Summer!
- Family
- Optimism
- Forward-thinking
- Plans
- Not having to swim in cold water
- Togetherness
- Not teaching
- Pooltime
- Being here
- BBQ chicken thighs
- Mortgage specialists with initiative
- Pre-approvals
- Errands done
- Shoes purchased
- Guests hosted
- Dresses viewed
- When my favourite people are together
- When the weather is nice for weeding
- When my tomato plants tower
- Still not cancer
- Sunscreen, chlorine, and sunshine on my body
- Perfectly grilled salmon steaks
- Clean, swept streets
- Decisive shopping
- When the numbers go up
- When the printer works
- Not getting caught in the rain
- French Lit fun
- When the book finally starts getting interesting
- When I find used books at discount prices
- Weeding in the sunshine
- Followed by a swim
- That creepy Icelandic movie was just a movie
- Having a nice time socializing
- Having Iceland to talk about
- A new friend
- Steady, acceptable work
- I’m not allergic to wasps
- Not getting caught in the rain on my rollerblades
- Fresh vegetables
- I have everything I need
- When you think the series is over and you discover there’s one more episode
- When you have helpful conversations with insightful people
- And that provides clear direction
- The power’s on in London
- I am occasionally of help
- I still have three months to find the right house
- My diva cup
- Rollerblading warms one up
- Drama games on the internet
- Good books
- Hamburgers
- Useful resources
- September is planned
- Iceland awaits
- All is well
- Five days till I’m sitting in the Blue Lagoon
- Good problems
- Positive options
- I can do either one
- Thankful to have a choice
- I have a reset button
- It is called “Iceland”
- New jeans
- No pain
- Relaxing days
- Clean laundry
- Good gifts
- Bacon
- Rollerblading weather
- Saving money
- Nice weather
- Things to do
- A day with family
- Not forgetting my cup
- Having a friend and three-quarters
- CBC has revived This is That
- Productivity
- Imitrex
- Soft potatoes
- Not being a homeowner
- Being here to help
- E-books
- Long summers off
- Selfless people
- It wasn’t essential that I buy TP today
- My plumber thinks I’m looking good
- A classroom with a piano
- People who are happy to see me
- Noticing that I’d given myself an extra yard duty
- Having Iceland to talk about at social events
- Finishing the laminating
- And cutting
- Pharmaceuticals
- Friends who help me set up my classroom
- Being ready for school (ish)
- It’s not winter
- It’s not raining
- I wasn’t on my way somewhere
- My phone didn’t die
- The uber guy waited
- I’m home safe and sound
- Routine resumes tomorrow
- The rental is easy to drive
- Apple CarPlay
- No accidents today
- Friendly teachers
- A warm classroom
- Being good at my job
- Buying the extra insurance
- The independent ones
- The eager one
- The ones who struggle, but hold it together anyway
- Feeling at home in the band
- Socializing with the choir
- Not dreading Monday
- I’m not in my neighbour’s shoes
- Messiah elation
- Music is happiness
- When someone saves me a seat
- When the band music isn’t too hard
- When I find my way there and back
- The classes that do go well
- The kids who don’t get lost
- Garden salad
- When they all get to their buses on time
- When they all sit properly in a circle
- When they understand the French
- When they keep the beat
- When the body shop goes to bat for you
- I don’t teach math
- I don’t have to take Grade 1s to their buses
- I have enough prep time to do my job
- Fresh-tasting toothpaste
- Sci fi
- Getting things done
- Long showers
- Star Trek
- Feeling, at choir, that I am perfectly happy
- Only embarrassing myself a little bit
- When they listen
- Seeing dear friends
- Full-time, permanent work
- Colorworks
- Nice weather
- An insightful therapist
- Sharing tomatoes
- Finding things to do
- Museums
- An abundance of food
- A ride to band
- Strawberry beer
- Days with no yard duty
- The ones who behave
- When they keep the beat
- A sandal classroom
- He got to the bathroom on time
- An almost 5/5 day
- Not having COVID
- Or even a cold
- No circus lasts longer than an hour
- I have a musical weekend ahead
- Beauty and connection
- =choir
- =band
- Tomatoes for the neighbour
- I like my job
- I am good at my job
- All is well
- Those nachos were so good
- My calming corner is working
- I am socializing
- Meet-the-teacher night is so much better now
- It was very nearly a 5/5 day
- Except for the evacuation
- I will know to evacuate in English next time
- Everyone together and healthy for Thanksgiving

I love your yearly list. I read the entire thing and can definitely relate 🥰