It’s a few days late, but here is my annual Gratitude List — 365 days’ worth of small things noticed and appreciated. I now have 12 of these lists inhabiting my hard drive, and each one gives a snapshot of a year that is unlike those that came before. This year’s seems to be dominated by work, as I started yet another new job, and then another. There is always much to learn, much to celebrate, and much to leave behind as a fresh, new year unfolds. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
- the lost, found
- the smell of leaves under the tires of my bike, the weight of the handlebars, the whir of the wheels
- pedalling, noticing, breathing
- all of the things that are better than they were
- I, who am competent…
- I, who rocked that lesson
- and she who left it before it fell apart
- when the magic letters come together to make words
- report cards done five days early
- a down duvet
- zoom friends
- deliverance
- the paperwork
- a long prep period to rewrite my report card comments
- when they learn things
- the rain put a quick end to a very painful outdoor math lesson
- I caught S prancing to the office for a banana
- I kept last year’s sketchbooks
- I caught the last half of my French class
- tag is fun
- L had a good day
- The yellow water on the floor was largely ignored
- extra quizzes
- schoolyard coding
- hamburger soup
- a hair shuttle
- an autumn walk to the Value Mart
- getting some planning done
- approval
- they’re always good for no good reason
- the explosion happened on someone else’s watch
- I slept a long sleep
- I’ve been other places, done other things, lived other lives
- there is more to come
- Ariko
- it’s not too cold to get on my bike
- things that make things take longer
- not caring what the superintendent thinks
- not doing what I once did
- having survived it
- diversions
- a five-minute walk to the dentist
- omelettes
- finally, I can nap again
- parents who love their kids
- audiobooks
- L was happy all day long
- they’re reading!
- my plants are snug and warm
- I can’t wait to get into my car
- to have recovered
- outdoor math was awesome
- got my flu shot
- I’m not where I was
- planning the math
- riding the bike
- liking the like
- back to the gym
- a super-active day
- I’m quite happy being single
- really all I need are friends
- got the laminating roll changed
- got the laminating done
- had a good dinner
- rested
- tomorrow will be a short day
- got the supply plans done
- and the laminating cut
- and the tests marked
- an afternoon MRI
- easy supply plans
- a warm November afternoon, and time to enjoy it
- this mouthguard isn’t so bad
- the beginnings of balance?
- (left work on time to go to the gym)
- Zumba!
- fuzzy pants
- a relaxed state
- arts planning
- kids with decent French phonetics
- getting SMASH going
- French with les voyageuses
- tiny vowel victories
- tasty meatballs
- dry roads
- colleague connections
- when the good milk is on sale
- leaving work at 3:45
- lipstick jokes
- hot soup and caramel beer
- hot chocolate with the Wortley Walkers
- getting the oatmeal made early
- some choral reassurance
- it doesn’t have to go anywhere
- work-free evenings
- a new gym class
- gains are being made
- I am doing okay
- it’s not about me
- time on the road
- cancelled meetings
- a warm winter coat
- roast beef
- my bed
- medical care
- not being sick
- finishing early ID
- staying home
- having planned ahead
- feeling 98%
- enjoying choir
- distant friends
- telehealth
- sick days
- chicken soup
- light reading
- covid tests
- Kanopy
- Buckley’s
- permission to work
- the love coach
- acrostic poetry
- being back at work
- hope for intelligent life
- teeth
- number families
- French films
- abundant gift bags
- the moment when I take my ID tag off at the end of the day
- thoughtful cards
- bounty
- treats
- autonomy
- beef
- time off
- an uncomplicated life
- quiet companionship
- omicron negative
- rapid test kits
- rebooking appointments
- spinach salad
- stisel
- better side effects than illness or quarantine
- functional for Christmas
- and a family to spend it with
- with a family, one is never alone
- coughing without consequences
- outings
- good health
- short lines
- clear sinuses
- wine and cheese
- Picard
- report card progress
- thinking time
- a walk in the park
- a home
- not commuting
- snow for a walk
- being home for the cable guy
- people who share upon request
- the internet was obedient today
- the stuff is ready, if not the brain…
- another day of wonderful wifi
- not buying a modem
- a full water bottle
- gracious parents
- weekends
- toilets
- my Moroccan lamp
- pre-cooked bacon
- spinach
- a reasonable workload
- a class I like
- a $30 haircut five minutes down the road
- and a good haircut at that
- feeling caught up
- even ahead of the game
- finishing the math comments
- control over the thermostat
- the beginnings of a ten-year plan
- possibilities
- I am alive
- I have a union
- being ready for tomorrow
- routines = grounding
- being warm and well-fed
- hot chocolate and French fries
- almost done report cards
- safe drives
- bean salad
- finding things
- shelter from the storm
- tranquility
- being done report cards early
- meetings where I don’t have to say anything
- no more snowy morning drives
- cupcakes
- work people who get it
- keeping my cool
- when it doesn’t feel as cold out as it should
- visiting artwork that isn’t mine yet
- heated mirrors
- staff room ease
- being ready for tomorrow
- mostly
- the new girl stopped crying after a few hours
- I will go somewhere again one day
- snow days
- the yoga that changed the day
- Triangle et Cercle
- a park across the street
- deep snow for cardio
- PD on the couch
- a doctor, a job, an apartment, a car
- it’s not exactly a life, but it’s something
- I did what I set out to do
- time to set out to do something new
- finishing my work at work
- seeing my students grasping the language
- V’s reading syllables
- a clean car
- weather advisories that don’t materialize
- weather advisories that do materialize
- depending on the context
- hot chocolate and renewed patience
- a clean kitchen
- a worry-free day
- normal sleep
- decisions made
- chores done
- V-day — a break from routine
- V is reading!
- the show went on
- I got it together
- birthday snow day
- a weekend of not thinking about work
- a giant birthday gift bag
- with cupcakes
- less rain than expected
- giving the health lesson to the supply teacher
- perceptive advisors
- honest mechanics
- work keeps me occupied
- I’m sleeping so much better now
- a little bit of stress is a useful distraction
- my book club, a little bright spot in a sullen, bleak day
- my country is not at war
- there is no hostility in my life
- I made oatmeal
- I found my sunscreen
- This will not last
- JB
- distracting work
- pharmaceuticals
- friends
- a very good omelette
- the golden shoe award
- fuzzy clothes
- getting it all done
- opening a window
- wearing a spring coat
- a friendly choir
- virtual staff meetings
- one can always postpone things
- either way, I’ll be okay
- a full tank of gas
- a friend who listens and gives hugs
- no concussion reports
- people who care about and work with my students
- free pizza
- enough daylight for a walk in the park
- chocolates
- frozen bread can be toasted
- arriving late and leaving early
- rearranging my desks
- wine and netflix
- longer days
- long yoga classes
- extended into longer naps
- borscht
- a clean sink
- writing
- a bracing walk
- cheese biscuits
- pep talks
- getting my singing voice back
- online rehearsals
- feeling rested
- a night out at the movies
- lesson plan progress
- the ability to relax
- a true holiday
- walking with exposed elbows
- photo shoots
- excess
- friendly customs people
- finding my people
- the world is the bigger than the stretch of highway between Kingsville and Woodstock
- my work will be easier next year
- I have a new choir
- jeux de société
- abundant food
- deep sleep
- social ease
- illumination
- having real friends
- first spring bike ride
- sun on the back step
- a warm, choral hug
- prep payback
- comfortable shoes
- pulling the rolled up contact out from behind my eye
- fairy lights
- a webinar buddy
- a compliment
- a turkey sandwich
- rain that did not freeze
- Inventing Anna
- I still have friends out there somewhere
- the 8 kids that do understand place value
- it’s Friday
- caring less
- French conversation group = social interaction
- a sausage dog at the farmer’s market
- lessons are planned for the week
- coming out of it
- only a little whiteout
- intello à Quebec
- finding tenderness
- no field trip mishaps
- full prep
- salad from the farmer’s market
- an art gallery window on my walk to the store
- they will learn in spite of me
- meeting friendly people
- down duvets and heating pads
- afternoons off
- laughter with my little ones
- when things end early
- 3 interests
- carrying groceries is exercise
- tax refunds
- Sunday salads
- warmth and optimism
- plastics are an option
- I have choices
- Molière
- coming up for air
- closure
- the placebo effect
- new ways of seeing
- multiple scenarios
- clarity
- duck dinner
- Micah time
- long long weekends
- being somewhere else
- walks with friends
- Tapestry (catching the last few minutes)
- hopes
- another safe drive
- choir is getting fun
- a snow day
- hardly grumpy at all
- pleasant conversations with colleagues
- messenger upgrade
- French pen pals
- maps and compasses
- it’s a vocation, not a boulot
- JM’s references
- short sessions
- renewed books
- a ride to choir
- the pianist’s Fauré
- it’s been a good apartment
- possibilities are vast
- when I stopped crying
- a black mask
- air in my tires
- a fridge full of food
- short sleeves
- homemade pasta sauce
- hummus and boiled eggs
- understanding parents
- a friend at work
- a family that loves me
- the next great thing
- pleasantness
- unconcern
- I don’t have M
- Or the other two
- my French convo group
- Saturday social
- when the choir sounds okay
- when the art gallery is unexpectedly open
- when I eat a full meal
- an interview
- a somewhat happy day
- VPs who have my back
- all the free pizza
- the gym looms
- a breathing air day
- they can only learn what they’re ready to learn
- wearing my sparkly jeans
- receiving apologies instead of reprimands
- improvising passably enough
- comptine recognition
- 6 kids absent
- painting without mishaps
- getting Saturday work done on Friday
- report cards are started
- I am ready for tomorrow
- when I rock a job interview
- even in French
- 8 absences makes for a quiet day
- the gym will eventually get easier
- warm yard duty weather
- the housing I have
- job offers
- moments of calm
- sandal time
- friends
- Ron and Haji and ice cream in the sun
- tires changed
- sunscreen weather
- breaths of air
- perspective
- appointments
- morning worktime
- making rice
- almost done the learning skills
- barre — one day I will have a core again
- when 6 kids go home early
- getting caught in the rain is a sort of adventure
- birthday dinner with the fam
- air in my tires
- good people
- walking places
- the guy who led me to nuclear medicine
- it’s bedtime
- what goes down must come up
- an impartial third party
- perspective
- when all the drama queens are absent
- when I decide something isn’t for me
- when I finish my math comments
- when I get a gel seat cover for $2 at a yard sale
- Buffalo
- life on a bike, where downhill is great
- possible apartment
- feeling okay
- cheerful, even
- extra prep
- not minding the heat
- the apartment is acceptable
- dodged a bullet
- when it nearly rained, but didn’t
- when it rained while I was at the gym, but not before or after
- finishing report cards
- walking downtown
- 10 minutes at the market
- the brave ones who crossed the border to come eat pasta with me
- when certain people are absent
- a peaceful day
- a private phone call
- feeling okay
- feeling almost happy
- nachos with Noella
- functionality
- definitiveness
- defensive drivers
- exercise
- redemption
- gym
- a walk in the park
- French poetry
- liking singing
- perfect weather to wear a French sundress
- being calm
- new thoughts
- openmindedness
- human beings
- quirky places
- safe neighbourhoods
- kind neighbours
- my kids are cute again
- approved for apartment
- reports are okay
- the end of the stress is coming
- Corina’s blanket
- the tea in my mug
- buying paint and plants
- nesting
- planting in the sun
- laundry on the line
- I had three good years here
- I could walk to choir practice
- I got my laminating done
- a swim with a friend
- finding the prodigy logins
- hard candy
- when I have no duty
- a full tank of gas
- an interesting audiobook
- negotiations
- La poule Maboule will save my week
- snack day
- concerts around the corner
- Noella’s staple remover
- hammock time
- ready for book club #1
- perfect temperatures
- bike locks can be replaced
- ever so slightly happier than usual
- doing away with expectations makes everything more pleasant
- Q is okay
- teaching music feels good
- N is okay
- packing is almost done
- painting will happen
- no blame
- painting is happening
- almost ready
- ready
- love notes from little people
- and well-wishes from big people
- and a little bit of Bach
- Ps and VPs who care
- newness = possibility
- the Home Depot
- buttery popcorn
- losing weight
- migraine naps
- double bikes
- summer fun
- change of scenery
- change of action
- change of thoughts
- holiday mentality
- movies with the boys
- free advice
- fried fish
- a border-crossing in my future
- PC points
- barbeque bonding
- free eye exams and bloodwork
- I can choose how to live my life
- only burning the sausages a little bit
- packing help
- blinds are purchased
- plans are made
- half-packed
- the lady came back
- and was nice
- my mom, a packing wizard
- art on yellow walls
- mom, a cleaning machine
- and the essence of empathy
- a small composter
- slowly making progress
- the end is in sight
- mom wiped out my cupboards
- almost settled
- cheerful walls
- bright colours
- finishing rooms
- paying my customs fees
- best pizza ever
- falls without injuries
- someone to help me over the bumps
- laminating help
- swimming weather
- good what-ifs
- nice appliances
- things can be replaced
- how one’s perspective changes among like-minded others
- at least I didn’t leave my glasses in a hotel room
- they were only an hour away
- all the ways people enrich one another
- at least my sweater is only 45 minutes away
- sparkling water and granola bars
- worms rehomed
- me rehomed
- a successful bike ride
- perfect weather
- half pints
- a bigger bathroom
- with a toilet that flushes
- I can tuck my hair behind my ears
- people who are always happy to see me
- the hair will grow eventually
- cancellations
- edgy haircuts
- cheerful artwork
- colourful blankets
- smooth pavement
- windows that open
- private laundry
- oil pastels
- rainwater that reaches my plants
- things that fit in a suitcase
- good, challenging workouts
- safe travels
- encouraging words
- doing what I like with people I like
- floating in a lake on a hot Saturday afternoon
- dock yoga
- board games on a Sunday afternoon
- good reasons for tears
- not going on a boat ride
- finally arriving
- not having to drive
- new digs
- people who put up with me
- solutions sought
- compassion
- compatible roommates
- generous friends
- when people don’t force me to talk
- I might be starting to warm up
- whale fins
- contributing
- a pleasant afternoon
- surviving the un-date
- even without a jolie robe
- a nice memory
- smooth travels
- uber
- a fridge full of food
- dishwasher arrived
- three good meals
- rollerblading is fun again
- Canada won gold
- rollerblading, biking, and swimming all in one day
- family time
- turkey dinner in August
- writing poetry
- ketchup on burgers
- accent improvement
- Micah time
- all being well
- I like my bedroom
- at least I have a car
- a man with initiative
- it only rained a little bit
- my dishwasher works!
- survived another first date
- newish cargo cover
- no one will know if I do it or not
- pears and ice cream
- my prescription came in
- I’m not teaching 4-8 music and art
- beginning to like my apartment
- having a music room in my apartment
- bare cupboards
- clean surfaces
- nice people
- friendly staff
- printing at last
- and a key
- and laminating
- on track
- survived the filling
- got lots done
- not freaking out about my 23 kids
- taking RCFI’s surplus to LAFI
- an adequately stocked classroom
- emergency crayons and erasers
- finding enough pochettes at four dollar stores
- finding magnets at Wal-mart
- we got the bench in the cars
- rollerblading is easy now
- perfect swimming weather
- a day without working
- a break in the rain for rollerblading
- my new job will only be new for a little while
- it’s not rocket science
- he was stopped
- I did the brave thing
- a surplus of food
- being physically ready
- if not mentally
- no one got lost
- the one who peed had a change of clothes
- I had help
- we’re getting there
- they can line up, sit on the floor, sit at their desks, and be quiet
- I’m in a band!
- time to walk in between school and choir, even on a staff meeting day
- a warm, choral hug
- I finally taught a math lesson
- and an arts lesson
- agenda, calendar, and AIM all in one block
- helpful LSTs
- journals and erasers
- slicking tomatoes
- the rain stopped
- half a swing on my porch
- a nice neighbour
- a nice bike ride
- pool noodles
- S thinks school is nice
- my car isn’t that colour
- I have more than enough content to work with
- my appliances work
- I don’t have mice
- chick peas are good for me
- eventually I will figure this out
- don’t worry about the timetable, she said
- I’m sort of settling in
- there are nice pockets in my neighbourhood
- I don’t live in a highrise
- it’s almost like having a townhouse
- there are colours around me
- I’m not a bus driver
- imitrex
- diagnostic help
- it never happens here that I open my shower curtain to see a giant cockroach (but three years later, I still find myself bracing for it)
- apology/appreciation cards
- at least there are no screamers, criers, or runners
- somebody might have learned something
- not biking in the rain
- lentil curry soup
- not having to skimp on groceries
- not being functionally late
- getting new band music
- plenty to eat
- my neighbour has no pets
- I have materials
- there are people to help
- no one’s counting minutes
- I don’t have a flat tire
- I don’t have to do everything perfectly
- there are only 9 months left of school
- colouring pages
- the CBC indigenous music playlist
- finishing diagnostics
- sun
- four hours of flute playing makes for one rubbery, but happy face
- a swing on my porch
- and a spring in my step
- permission to not be awesome
- choir feels good
- sufficient pizza
- pleasant parents
- the new alto will become a tenor
- tomorrow I will wear a warmer sweater
- at least I didn’t spill all my tea
- when the chatterbox is away
- a day of normalcy
- wise words from a human face
- relative calm
- more relative calm
- feeling about a month away from being competent
- a ride to Michigan
- warm clothes and blankets
- a break from the routine
- family time
- rollerblading with Joc

Want more?
Your ongoing lists continue to inspire me to seek good in each day and to find contentment with my abundant blessings. Thank you for sharing once again!