Natasha Regehr

2015 Gratitude List

My dear Canadian friends have had to wait a full six weeks longer than usual to read my annual Gratitude List.  Sorry, guys.  I was in the desert while you were being thankful, so I’ve jumped on the American bandwagon and given thanks today instead.

For those of you who are new to this quirky tradition of mine, here’s the scoop: Every night before I go to sleep, I write down a few causes for gratitude.  I try not to repeat myself (keeps the thankfulness muscles limber!) but I’m certain you’ll notice an emerging theme or two.  Each Thanksgiving, I post the list for the world to ponder and puzzle over.  For me, it’s a grounding practice of putting days and years in perspective.  For you, it’s either funny, or inspiring, or TMI.  Whatever.  It’s not about you.

I suspect that no one but my mom actually reads the list from start to finish, but should you wish to try, godspeed!

Beginning in October, 2014, here is my year, chronicled in thanks!

A hearth, a family, a sharing of lives

A new form of freedom

Eschatological laughter

Acceptance and openness

What I have is enough

Decisions made = settledness. There is security in having chosen.

Fiction fabulousness

Singing beautifully

A big wide world, right here where I am

Bear day ended at last

I got to the Unconcert, and others did too

A break


Other people who like to talk

Real mental health days

I miss my family (positive nostalgia)

Warm autumn camp sun

Thinking on my feet, and sun

Marilyn’s bike is fixed

It rained while we were having lunch

I vacuumed




At least it ended early

And the board will cover my mileage

And I got lots of free food

My new piano students are delightful

Breaks in the rain

Forthright James-talk

Parallel parking pub pals

Three no-shows made my day

Safe rain-drive

“Whoa! Great costume!”

Car-dodging on the 401

Missing someone

There’s always tomorrow

I wasn’t in the wrong

N got some WDs

Someone else did most of the work, albeit poorly

I teach piano

And I have brilliant, eager students

Who practice

And like theory

My body doesn’t hurt today

Soon I will jettison the Ballantine pile

A collaborator

Butter, bike, books

Synchro, yoga, worms



The option to forgive

Stir fry and PJs





Worm house

A came to C

The worms aren’t mice

R Practice Part II wasn’t agonizing

Teaching needn’t be a democracy

C remains unforgiveable

I am free of him and his head games

No rats or bats

Funny worm mates

P ended

Jacq is comfortably above neutral

I am surrounded by my people

Worm cocoons and babies

It’s all as it should be

It’s not about that



A radio that works


Finishing things, sort of

Not really needing to shovel

Funny, funny boys

The vomit did not land on me, my students, or our stuff

Maybe lots of kids will be away tomorrow


Snow tires

Straight roads

Hazard lights

Snow brush

No rush


Harry Harry Harry

Class Dojo

Snow, air, wind, water, breath, aliveness


Blog talk

Collaboration and camaraderie

Safe fog

Fog lights

A church of my own

A man who loves me

And whom I love

Yard duty free







JM and fortuitous moments

Emergency supplies




Swimming helps

S was away

Mom will destroy the pests

Oh thank GOD for the emergency earplugs


Photo cheque deposit

Learn to choir?

Class Dojo parents

Everything eventually works out, somewhat

Fun FI FDK ECE with a D

Not entirely forgotten

Only temporarily stalled

Plenty of work

Wiped out

Popcorn parties


Little adventures


Cash register songs




Well water books, and great ideas

L pretty much ignored me, and I him

Another safe snow day

I can leave parties whenever I want


Parties where people converse in interesting and inclusive ways

Handel lifted me up

Messiah mania

Anwar snuggles, Anwar talk

No commitment (yet)

Cheese success




A library with accessible books

Frank talk


I have boundaries, even if others don’t

Mistakes can be returned

I met an international teacher


Parties that I like

It never hurts to pack too much

I did away with the borscht

Reference progress

Safe audiobooking

I am comfortable alone

M was quick

I have choice

I am fine alone

No awkward explanations yet

Moist turkey


Conflictedness: it means I have choices

Figuring things out

Like blogs and web pages

Bean soup

Tolkien marathon


A calm defense

A full family day


Star Wars and pomegranates

New black pants

Survived the border crossing

And the US driving

And there is time to figure the rest out


Morocco is looking better and better


Jude and Sue will clarify things


Good traffic


No driving today

KC answered, and responded

Jan 30 is a PA Day

Shoveling, groceries, and gym done

Happily alone

Calm children

No whiteouts, no falls, no flips

Brains, ideas, thoughts

Quiet, happy kids

Quiet, happy me

A warm hat

Dance brilliance

A lovely class

Heating pad, hot chocolate, blanket

Moons change, and so do kids

No squalls

Enough food, water, heat, and gas

A place to sleep

And now, some time

Steadfast friends

Septic closures

Liking the new priest

“Serious septic problems” gave me a day off

And didn’t destroy my classroom

A small entranceway

Motion, fluidity

Off duty

Plan B

Singing with Julie on the sick bench

Tax meetings

Cute, growing students

A good rest

Help with China

A day in

Safe driving

Wallet found

Spreadsheet drafted

I don’t live in T.O.

Coughing less

Coughing hardly

A warm hat

Finding sunglasses

Water wonders

Wells and boiler rooms

Mom is surrounded by people who love her

The perfect house, right where I am


Being chosen, out of all the world

Remembered the pharmacy

Got it together

Will be okay


Crunchy foods that keep me awake

Last-minute audiobooks

Eluding interrogation

Loving mom




Torn between two goods

Even in distance I am not alone

I figured out Skype

And dyed my roots

I am wanted

I didn’t drop or spill anything important today

Questions answered

Christian – clarity





Malaysian books

Easy shoveling

Cancellations and fevers




Smart kids


I am chosen






Still brave

Braver, even

Still chosen, valued, loved, sought

Still all that I was

A capacity for optimism

Safe snow day




Knowing things

No disasters

No one walked in on my lesson

I contained my ire

Naval stuff

Friends competing over me

Being a fast walker


5-hour naps

Ski flexibility

Likely not mice

Things are looking favourable for a snow day tomorrow

It’s probably not rats


One point for the humans

Didn’t rear-end that guy

Students’ growing minds and hearts


Blueness on white

My toilet unplugged itself while I was at work

None of those cars hit me

I engaged in brief, but flattering conversation

I like meat and rice

I am good with six-year-olds

I can be a friend to others

Sometimes not communicating is preferable

And sometimes talking it through changes everything

No one made me cry today

Arndt, Peggy, Viennese brain-picking


Free exercise

More free exercise

Useful snow

Meeting a reporter, and liking her

Not being afraid to speak in church

A sad, unequal love


Tax progress

Movies by people who get it

Safe snow squalls


Strawberry daiquiri

Tomorrow, when it won’t be today

I only had to talk to someone once today

“You are loved.”

My injustice is individual, fleeting, surmountable

(not collective, ongoing, overwhelming)

Great art listening

We shall overcome

Rabbit ravioli

New, honest friends, without the small talk

Surprise soup

Social soundness

There are always possibilities

They found out

They’re not alone

Something will happen

People will help

I like teaching science

I’m pretty good at teaching science

She is open to possibilities she hadn’t considered before

He is cooperating

I only have easy crises now


Kitchen fairies

Effective circles

Patience, kindness, empathy

I don’t have to sing tomorrow

No one actually shows up for 9am anyway

Taxes are done

There are still schools I haven’t heard from

Moroccan hope

My bad day could be worse

He’s in charge. I’m just going along for the ride.

And I trust him

I am going to Florida with my love

And it will be so fun

I have the sort of job that lets me take sick days

I finally had a decent day

Multiple sick days

Passable interviews

Finding all the documents

Frank talk

Seeing Nathan

Passport found


A dream holiday – what fun!

Fly fishing walks

Sunday naps

Perfectly spiced food

Holding hands

A trip like no other!

2006 undone

Couplehood is not so bad at all

(I sink easily into it, weightlessly, gladly)

On the other hand, I might think twice, and I am free to do so


My second favourite scent: orange blossoms

Sun salt sand waves pelicans mangroves

A real, live holiday



Driving rain

Morocco hope

Mom’s open door

Math fun

Being okay alone or together

Wanting to be together

Fresh bread

Sweet loneliness

Seeing grass




PLC ease, with cookies





Clean teeth

I got to church

Journeys can change

I’m understood

I have a car

I have a house

I have a job

I have a family

I have dear friends

This sadness will lift

It lifted.

People who celebrate with me

The volcano worked

I worked

It is fun to tell people about my move

A little dig

A mother who loves

A man who supports

Dark chocolate milk

Family turkey

Travel books and videos

The internet

Long, long naps

A car to sell

So many friends

At least I’m doing something

Tomorrow will be different

Today was bad, but in different ways

Tomorrow will be better. It had better be.

Blogs, connections, networking. All’s well.

My house is so beautiful

I was “with it” today (at last)

Wine with Janice

Rock star Rhema me

Selflessness (his, of course, not mine)

Decisive people with perspective

Pesto tastes good in omlettes


I didn’t spin out my bike on the ice


Looked after

All the right people

The housing’s in place, mostly

I am so thankful for my guy

His beautiful family

His tolerable hair

Safe tires


Smooching a little

Feeling right about it all


Raking at last

In shirt sleeves

Oh, my bike

No staffing angst for me this year

Calm children

Skinny jeans that fit

It seems to be spring

I am a decluttering fiend

I can do this

I am precious

I managed the auction without earplugs

Annette rocks

I’m okay either way

I biked

I raked

I will bounce back in a few days

Not yet, but maybe tomorrow

I raked again, and did the Handel

A ran errands

I am bouncing back

When the loud boys are absent

Two outdoor recesses

Grocery guy

Moth guy

Stir fry guy

Burnt chicken

A rest

Bright, thinking children

Calmness, certitude

My blog


Robot science

Relaxed confidence

Technology – videos of Moroccan apartments

The things I can do


Steak and movies


Bike ride

LJ who is like me

Tuesday isn’t Monday

Four flyers flying

KPR is paying for my toe-zapping

Living on-campus will be okay

People with connections

People with ideas about connections

When others get frazzled

Confidence, calmness, control



Angus burgers

Pancakes #1, 2, and 3

Feeling good




Not needing a mammogram

Freshly baked pizza crust for breakfast


Avocado, orange, grapes, bananas

In Christ: Christians, sovereignty (or the myth thereof), compassion

Location, craftsmanship, landscaping

Safety, healing, freedom

Shelter, sanitation, privacy

Sleep, solace, warmth, coolness, relief

I am not a camp counselor

At ease

Parents: define love, and live by it

Got seats, not rain


Sorting, wiping, cheering

Chocolate, honey

Worthy books

L for the DC




The guy who took all my junk

Giving, keeping, protecting, guarding

(I am kept)

Boxes sorted and labeled

A bag loved by one loved

Parting with books from past hurts

(a good-bye gift)

The gift of purging

Play, leisure, shieldedness

Channeled stress = industriousness

Getting things dealt with

Being honest

Honey, yogurt, seawater


Small clothes


Men who lift books

Sick days

Mom in the cubby

Moving the cars

Easy togetherness

Confident pricing

New neighbours

Mom’s math

There exists rest




My things make others happy

I got to hear half of an amazing concert

Pizza, tea, dried fruit

My mom, a thousand times, a million times: my mom

My choir gals

Moving stress, difficult people, financial insecurity

Selling hope

Nuts and bolts

Clean windows

Acceptance, spaciousness, appreciation

Track and field: not grumpy

Swim, drive, visit

Sun, ease, affection


Mom mom mom mom mom

Sky, jeans, me




Freezer borscht

Bagged salad

Travel agents

Jobs can be left


Chocolate milk


A clean classroom

A decent blog



Dates and carrot sticks


New things

Puppet materials

Four adults, four iPads

Nice day

Lightness – I’ll sell

I took the car

I was decisive

I brought swimwear and undergarments

I’m moving on!

Hammock time

Lynn’s charger

Perfect weather

Leftover lasagna

I have a good life to grieve: I leave one paradise for another

So many people care for me

My dessert was salvaged

Reports are almost done

I’m almost done

Mom is coming

Raspberry wheat ale and theological pressing

The kids who did their projects

The parents who did their kids’ projects

Lynn, for bringing her class to the robot show

Mom, for coming, fixing, wiping, coiling, lifting, moving, hugging

I can still talk

The conga line – magical

Mom boxes books

I was kind and patient today


Perfect days

Happy people

Bagel burgers

People who buy things

Cold storage

Boxes upon boxes


A sweet, sweet classroom to welcome me

Not applying for jobs

Mom mom mom mom mom

My perfect house is perfectly ready

Cut flowers


Space, peace, lightness

Mara connection

Kibungo magic

Good timing

My house is sold – so easily

My mom was there beside me

And Jocelyn’s incredible

This house is already less mine

(a reluctant thanks)

A day with less excitement

Harlem East is a reasonable drive

Hammock time

A book to like

Jazz festivals

Crazy long naps

Back-up offers

Done JCPS filing, seriously

Mom’s basement

And her generosity



Moving on

The people in my life who do love, appreciate and understand me

And the opportunity to distance myself from those who don’t

Getting stuff done

Speaker decisions


It stopped raining for my drive home

My GPS, while flawed, still gets me home

More furniture gone




Beach compromise

Peach coolers and red wine

One who is more patient than I am

I can walk

I am not helpless

My life has changed



Tim’s cards

Singing in the car

A forgiving fellow

(so patient)

(I could stay with him forever if I choose)

Blown tire list

Sun, 25 degrees, hammock, books, laundry, bike

(it was the weather that made the day)

I am, happily, who I am

Two proper meals

Four interesting friends

A ripe and open mind

Car fixed

A’s apt

New PJs

Found a stepstool at Canadian Tire

Getting all that done

Finding curtain wheels

Being able to help

Only some parts of the highway were jammed

I still got everywhere I needed to go

People who take things off my curb

I am a risk-taker – a “live-er”

My mom: she is my hands, my brain, my heart

My love: he is my heart, through and through

And somehow, I will figure out what that entails

People help

No more driving/Apple/glasses

A good, efficacious nap

Sleepy safety

Found my wallet

Good-bye, Hannah Arendt

Whittling down the scanning pile

It’s not Tuesday yet

Luggage, capris, shorts, moneybelts

Julie, Ruth Anne, mom, wine

Funny pictures, levity

Mom thinks ahead

I am organized

I have help

Wonderful movers

A tireless mom

We have everything we need

I am leaving satisfied

And I am excited for what comes next

I am a digital girl

Safe travels

No theft

Mom’s house is safe

C & D are nearby

A restful day before the final flurry

Swimming with Joc

Printer/scanner works

Did the errands

Driving well

SO thankful for big suitcases

The space I do have

That amazing dinner

I made it here

Caught my flights

And my bags

Had help with everything

Everyone’s nice

I am only as alone as I want to be

Suitcase garages

Bins and Mr. Clean

The internet

Such wonderful music

Finished kitchen

Curtains and cushions

Drove the Dokker

Afternoon sun


My cousins are nice

Twist ties and clips

Meeting good people

Real community

Driving stick, for real, in Morocco

There might be hope for my French

Abundant food


Not being run over as I ran after my hat

Happiness here

Found some crocs

Didn’t get jumped

So very free

Practicing French with the nut guy

Electric fans

Great maintenance people

Great everyone, really

Decent washrooms

The Habous

Sunny Beach and sangria

Relaxation, laughter, comfort, ease, contentment

I can pick the church I want

Everything is spic and span

I am happy

Found dish scrubber sponge at GIFF

I love mint tea

I caught the bus

A strong sphincter

Clean water

Not being out on the town

The first door was open

The second door was open

And my sunglasses were inside

Reasonable BMs

A walking/driving buddy

Banana for breakfast and rice for lunch

Feeling competent

Asking and maybe receiving

Surfing success





Art and music at Rabat

Catching the train

Soccer team singing

Sleep x3

A walk to the hanout

Normal towels

Things taking shape

Being a little techie

I had help at the market, and didn’t get lost

I had help in my classroom

No heat wave here

Social ease

Yummy food

Lesson plan progress

A drive to the mall!

Unfazed Moroccan drivers

A credit card, and money back home

Almost enough money


Best taxi guy ever

Got a decent schedule

New phone

Printer works

Pencil was on the nightstand

Room is ready

It’s not elsewhere

Rooftop sunsets – can’t top that

My projector is up!

A really, really good day

Didn’t get pooped on

Running water, any temperature

Survived the rug fiasco

Work feels normal


Big lunches

Liking my job


Good driving

Students who like my class

And are super-cute


Medina music

Phone tech medina guy

Everyone was late for pilates

Woke up in time, and got there in time

Rode a bike!

Got stuff done

A quiet parents’ night




Rapt attention

Wonderful storytelling

Being in the right place

(finding my zone)

Not getting lost

Finding accessories

Such sweet sangria

Not a beggar

Didn’t fall off my bike and break my arm

I have a language to learn

The second and third taxi drivers

The kind girl at the audition

There are people somewhere who know I’m not stupid

I’m safe

I’m home, sort of

I don’t have to be in the stupid choir if I don’t want to

And I don’t have to live here forever either

The students who cared

The adults who cared

Finding my people under my nose

Msemmen and nutella

Jamila and hope

Isn’t it lovely to have people to miss?

The sweet ones

A fun party


Friends who look after each other

Finding the hidden coins in my wallet


Bouncing back

Down time

Welcoming neighbours

Wine on the roof

Travel plans

Warm weather

J, with whom I see eye to eye

Yoga, and not getting in trouble

A vacation! A driver! A hotel! Friends!

A good, calm Wednesday

Biking through the village

I am not raw and grieving

I am here

I can shop at will

I can afford this guilt. It is a luxury – one of so many.

I can walk away from negativity

No hassles at the police stop

Car started

A is looking after me, even here

P didn’t come yesterday

I am surviving

There are places in Morocco with price tags

Cute sorry notes


Being good at things

Liking what I do

Being organized

Jamila Jamila Jamila Jamila Jamila

A quiet classroom door

Good choir

Joy’s help

Safe biking

Safe mom

I’m so happy that I am who I am

Enjoying my cousins

Being good at my job

Having great plans

P stopped

I have unlimited clean water, so ridiculously easily

(water changes everything)

I got sick after the hike

I can flush my toilet paper

I have sick days

I’m okay now

I still like French

It’s still summer

Time to practice French

Improving classes

Awesome admin

Straight teeth

Whiz kid (me)

Good teaching


A brighter light bulb

French recordings

A real day off

Fun plans

Just enough battery life

Google maps

We did it!

Mr. Bricolage: Hardware heaven

Kind drivers, helpers

Phone worked (calling, GPS)

Recognized landmarks

Squeezed in French

<Canadian Thanksgiving>

Not getting lost or buying stupid carpets

Not being sick

We finally found the square

Someone to miss

I’m travelling

I’m seeing the world

I figured out how to pee in the desert

I found my passport, money, and wifi signal

I am bonding with my friends

The desert was awesome

The camel didn’t wreck my back

I didn’t lose anything in the desert

Someone to miss

Phone cable works

Caught the train

Home and happy

A day of rest and mopping

Avoided bicycle collision

Slept as much as I wanted

Short duty, no meeting

It only rained in the morning

The air is still tropical, even if it’s breezy

And the sun still shines, even when it’s rainy

A quiet and productive day

A good, productive nap

Three hours of awesome seul-French

(even if I’m never fluent, what fun it is to try)

Leftover kindergarten food

An hour between French lessons to sleep off my migraine

We got to leave early

Delightful children

Being good at my job


A day to myself

Kind words from Canada


MW went driving with me

I had the courage (and humility) to ask

The C Class did okay

Another successful drive

Safe driving

Safe singing

A musical home

I remain smart

The sun remains warm

Housing for Christmas

A fresh, French bike ride

Real Chinese food and company

It’s so easy to go to my classroom

Taxi help

Dry socks and slippers

Jobs done

I have enough money for French lessons

I’m not a quitter

The sun still shines in the daytime

A car to drive, and the ability and courage to use it

Kind singers

My love is coming

So many holidays on the way

A change

A rest

Extra yum

I made it through all those people

I think my voice might be coming back

No mosquitos

Sun sun sun

Bus temperature was perfect

Headache passed

Phone charger still works

I don’t have to listen to crappy 80s/90s pop music every day

I got my French lessons onto my old phone

Decent toilets

A good way to get scrapes

New experiences

Tropical Novembers

Not too many mosquitos

Lots of happy French

More happy French

Happy, well-behaved children


All the lovely people who helped me through the day

But especially ESTELLE – elle est très gentile!

All the ways that it could have been worse

Joy, who gives me joy and courage

Chin’s on the mend

Choir drama is just that

Sunny lunches

New words

Being able to sell tickets back

Warm lunch

Choir buzz

Taxis with seatbelts

Taxis with women

Doing things alone

A new cardigan

I don’t work for KPR

Still sandal weather

Cozy frilly cardigan

The kind ones

My chin is showing

No angry parents

Concert prep underway

An evening off

Dry laundry

So far the water hasn’t hurt me


My own creative words

An audience in Dubai

My pretty, smiley teeth

A ride to the doctor’s tomorrow

Sunny lunches


Immediate results

Fun, stressless shopping

A pj day

Doctors who do school calls!

100 pointers

Prompt replies

English-speaking receptionists

Dry feet

A scrubbable chin

Docs who do house calls

There are worse ways one could be sick

I didn’t have to write lesson plans

I think I’m feeling better

Agadir, here I come!

Want more? Check out last year’s Gratitude List! You’d be surprised how much thankfulness one heart can muster.






  1. Anonymous

    Oh, Natasha, how I miss you!

  2. Julie

    Oh, Natasha, I miss you…
    And I read the whole list!
    Grateful for you!

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